REPORT: More Disney Infinity Figure ‘Reposes’ On The Way For Disney Infinity 3.0?


UPDATE: I’ve heard from Thomas and he wants to clarify what he wrote. He meant to say that Captain America along with some other new figures (Ultron and Hulkbuster) will be coming to Disney Infinity 3.0.

This still has been a long rumor (though never substantially based) that we will be getting re-releases of 1.0 and 2.0 figures over time, but we shall see what happens.


Are there possibly more Disney Infinity ‘reposed’ figures (like the new Captain America) coming to Disney Infinity 3.0? According to one Disney Infinity employee, that may be the case.

According to Thomas Estrada, Senior Animator/Cinematics Animation Supervisor for Disney Infinity, Captain America may not be the only figure that gets a repose release.

Saying on his tumblr page (In response to someone asking if his shared photo of the Captain America First Avenger figure is a new figure coming out)

Yeah, Cap and a few others will be getting new figures. But all the previous marvel figures will still be playable in the new Battle-grounds playset.


Now maybe this is just reading into the text too much. Or perhaps just a poorly worded sentence, and that he really meant we’re getting some new characters as well alongside Captain America. But we’ll see.

Remember, there is more to the figure than just a re-pose. New skill tree, new finishing pose, etc. So it really is like a new character, though obviously matching similar to something we already have. But it should still feel completely fresh to you.

Maybe we’ll find out more on Saturday during their New York Comic Con panel. Be sure to follow @InfinityInq and @JasonInquires for all the latest happenings from the convention.

Still fully believe we’re going to be getting some new original Marvel figures as well, so for those fearful, don’t freak out yet.

Thanks to Zurg over at for the heads up!


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