Disney Infinity 3.0: The Danger Of a Sunday Release (Important Especially For Online Customers)

SagaBundleDisneyInfinitySo as you probably know by now, Disney Infinity 3.0 is set to release in North America on Sunday, August 30th. Awesome! Except for some of you who pre-ordered online.

I’ll start with the bad news: If you pre-ordered online to have your game shipped to your house Best Buy, GameStop, Target, Toys ‘R’ Us, or Walmart… it will not be there on release day. It will be there Monday, or Tuesday or later depending on your shipping speed.

The good news? If you pre-order from Amazon… you stand a greater chance at getting it on release day! So it doesn’t matter if you get the Standard Starter Pack, or the Saga Bundle Pack… if you order from Amazon you (should) be able to get it on release day.

Amazon and the USPS have partnered up to do Sunday delivery. So if/when Amazon finally kicks in release day delivery for the game, you can sit back and relax.

For everyone else, if you want to play on release day, your best best is still to either do an in-store pick up at Best Buy, Walmart, etc. or just pre-order it in-store at your local retailer.

NOTE: Some places don’t have in-store pick up ready yet as they are waiting for final allotment numbers from Disney Infinity.

The other thing that ‘in-store’ customers have to worry about is we won’t get much notice of what the sales are! Typically I can get my hands on most of the retailer’s weekly sales flyers anywhere from a day-week in advance. So I’ll do my best to get you that information in advance when the time comes!

Hope that helps! But again, your best bet if you want to do online ordering is to order it through Amazon. While it’s not 100% confirmed yet, I’d be shocked if Amazon didn’t offer release day delivery. But for all other retailers, you’re definitely not going to have it shipped to your house in time for playing it on Sunday August 30th.

NOTE: This applies for figures, power discs, and starter packs. If you want to increase your chances… get it through Amazon! They are the only retailer you have a chance of getting it on Sunday for shipping.

Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win a Mickey figure for Disney Infinity 3.0!



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Don’t forget to come hang out and discuss all things Disney Infinity with thousands of other Disney Infinity Fans at DisneyInfinityFans.com!

Be sure to check out my weekly podcast, The Toys For Games ‘CastTalk all things in ‘Toys To Life’ genre!

Get your pre-orders in for either the Disney Infinity Limited Saga Bundle or the standard Starter Packnow!

