Disney Infinity 2.0 Coming August 2014 (UPDATE #2: It appears not)

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UPDATE (#2:): D23 released a statement on their website Thursday night saying:

In D23′s News Briefs published April 15, 2014, we erroneously reported about the launch of the next chapter of Disney Infinity. This information was incorrect. More news about Disney Infinity will be shared on April 30, and we hope you will check back for that update. For the latest from Disney Infinity click here, and Get Ready to Assemble.

So to set the record strange, this is not a ‘no comment’. This is a flat out denial of the August release date. Whoever typed up the news brief may have just used last year’s release date, old information, or just said the wrong month entirely! If Disney Infinity 2.0 is indeed an entirely different game, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it released in September. But with a new Skylanders game, all but certain to be coming out in October, Disney needs to make sure it beats Activision to the punch.

UPDATE (#1): Disney has now removed the entire Disney Infinity segment on the D23 website, but can still be viewed via Google Cache, here is a screen shot though as well.

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According to Disney’s D23 club website, Disney Infinity 2.0 is coming this August!

This was posted in a news brief on August 15th in which it states,

Disney Infinity 2.0 is coming in August 2014, and a teaser trailer can be viewed at Marvel.com. The teaser promises such Marvel-ous additions to the game as familiar Marvel characters, objects, and vehicles—the possibilities are infinite”

For those of you who don’t know, D23 is the official Disney Fan Club.

While this is obviously not ‘official’, it’s nearly as official as you can get.

Thanks to Kerry D. for the tip! Remember, we are on Facebook and Twitter if you want to keep up to date on all the Disney Infinity 2.0 news!

Source: D23