Toys “R” Us 10/20-10/26 & 10/27-11/2 Disney Infinity Deals
We got a look at the next TWO weeks of Disney Infinity deals at Toys “R” Us.
First up is the week of October 10th throughOctober 26th, where if you purchase the Play ‘N Store accessory you can get any Disney Infinity figure for $1.99. Remember Woody is coming to stores on Tuesday!
As far as the week of October 27th through November 2nd goes, it appears (though still haven’t gotten a double confirmation) Toys “R” Us will do a 2 for $20 deal on the Disney Infinity figures! Plus that week, Jack Skellington comes to all retailers. So you could get Woody and Jack for $10 a piece.
Source: CheapAssGamer