First Look at Poe Dameron In Resistance Jacket Costume Change Outfit (& First Screen Of The Play Set?)


As you can see in the image above, this is our first look at the Poe Dameron figure using his Resistance Jacket Costume Change power disc!

In addition, this may be our first look at a screenshot from the Force Awakens Play Set itself. You can see the new play set piece there on the Disney Infinity base.

Is any of this earth shattering news? Absolutely not… but it is interesting none the less! I’m sure like many of you, I’m salivating for any piece of information regarding the movie and play set.

The image comes from the official Star Wars Games twitter account that was sharing images from last night’s Force Awakens premiere.

For those who don’t remember, on Friday a Force Awakens Power Disc Pack will be released containing four power discs. One of those power discs is Poe’s costume change disc


Obviously the jacket is 1-to-1 with Finn’s jacket he’s wearing on his figure, but if you want an in-movie look at Poe in his jacket. Entertainment Weekly shared an image a couple of weeks ago.


Thanks to @elmoem for the heads up!