Alice, Mad Hatter, & Time Disney Infinity Figures Releasing On May 24th (Pre-Order At G.S.)


We’re slowly getting closer and closer to the release of the next batch of Disney Infinity figures: Alice, Mad Hatter, and Time!

As I previously speculated, the three figures will indeed release on Tuesday, May 24th here in North America.

The associated film, Alice Through The Looking Glass, released on that Friday, May 27th.

If you head into your local GameStop, you are able to pre-order the figures today!

GameStop opened pre-orders for the Marvel Battlegrounds content a month before the Disney Infinity NEXT. So don’t expect an official announcement until May, which is when you should be able to pre-order at other retailers as well.

No power discs have shown up for this set, so it’s looking very unlikely that they will be coming. Though not giving up hope yet, but it’s not looking good.

The Finding Dory Play Set (and any relevant items) are not showing up yet for pre-order, though I expect those to release on June 14th.

Thanks ___________ for the tip!