No Alchemy Effects or Power Disc Combos For Disney Infinity 2.0 Power Discs

Power Disc CombosIn Disney Infinity 1.0, if you put certain power discs down together you could get a special effect, unfortunately that feature will not be coming to the Disney Infinity 2.0 power discs.

Here are some examples…

Star Command Shield + Pieces of Eight (Jack Sparrow) = Improved Spark Shield

Electro-Charge (Frankenweenie) + Scrooge McDuck’s Lucky Dime = Improved Turbo Charge

User Control (Tron) + C.H.R.O.M.E.’s Armor Shield = C.H.R.O.M.E. Grapple Hook

See the entire list at

The community we often times called it the ‘alchemy effect’ or ‘power disc combos’.

Good news is that the ability in the Disney Infinity 1.0 discs will indeed carry over to Disney Infinity 2.0!

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